Saturday 8 September 2012

Amazing Race?

It's real! Our trip to Europe has begun! Everything has worked out wonderfully- from dropping Jasper off at the Ewerts, where he was happy to stay (thanks guys!) right up to our hotel allowing us to get into our room at 10:00 am even though check in isn't until 2:00 pm.

When we got our luggage, we read the info from Trafalgar, our tour company.

"Make your way to the hotel bus counter" sounds like a clue from the Amazing Race. Then when we boarded the bus, two ladies each with one rose boarded, followed by brothers from Australia. So does that make us the token bickering couple? If Cornie would just realize that I am always right, we wouldn't need to argue- just kidding- everything has been perfect so far, nothing to even question! I guess we'll be the honeymooners.

Well, time for a little nap before we start exploring.

P.S. thanks for all of the prayers for safe travels. It really could not have been better. We definitely feel the prayers and appreciate them!

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