Monday 17 September 2012


Madrid is the capital city of Spain. We were overloaded with history and interesting information. Here are the main things we remember:

-they hang hams in their shops to show that they are not Jewish. Buying a ham can cost anywhere for 80 to 800 Euros per pound! (Cornie and I had suckling pig for super and it was definitely not the 800 Euro one. It was very fatty!)
-they love sangrias and tapas. Tapas means a little snack to go with alcohol. They usually have it late afternoon and serve a few different things but it usually includes Spanish tortillas, which is like omelettes with potato pieces, kind of like a potato casserole.
-Christopher Columbus is famous here for discovering America and we saw the palace that the Queen that supported him lived in
-Don Quixote is a mythical character who helped the poor
-in Spain, when they say "gracias" they say the c as a th, so it sounds like they have a lisp (it sounds quite funny actually, since we"re not used to it)
-The square had several unique buskers- table with three hats, headless man etc...
-Picasso's famous "Guernico" is on display at Riene Sofia. We went to see it. It's abstract art about the war in a village called Guernico. I couldnt download a picture. Check it out on Google. Cornie did a great job of interpreting it for me. I think there's a hidden talent there.....

Kid's entertainer busker

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