Wednesday 19 September 2012


The drive to Barcelona was long but very beautiful! We drove through the mountains. The landscape and soil reminded me of Nevada or Mexico.
Barcelona is active! Wow there are people in the city. It is buzzing with life! We went to a market that had delicious fruit. It also has fresh fish, pigs' feet, calves' heads, some kind of tongues... If I had to see it, I thought you should at least read it! 

We saw architecture from Gaudi, who liked to be unique. The people didn't like his work. They called his building "House of Bones" and the other one, "The Quarry". They really are unique, but I like them, because they are so different. Then we went to the cathedral he started. Wow, that is very different. He was hit by a tram and died, so he never finished it, but there is a different sculptor working on it now, who is keeping the unique look going. The people didn't like his idea at first either and egged the chapel. Now 3 1/2 million people come see it every day! I will show it in my next entry.

For supper we had delicious spagetti with meat sauce. It was refreshing after some of the strange Spanish meals we have had until now.

Today we went to Montserrat to see a monastery and famous "Black Madonna" statue. It is Mary holding Baby Jesus. When it was found, it was dark from weathering, so they decided to paint her black. Apparently there are a few similar famous statues in other parts of the world.

In the evening we went to dinner and a flamenco dancers show. Can they ever tap their feet!

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