Monday 15 October 2012

Eifel Tour and More

Today started with a drive to the area called Eifel, to a beautiful town called Monschau. Part of the drive went through Belgium, since they live so close to the border. We stopped to check out a place that had many different flavors of mustard-honey, poppy seed, etc. This is quite popular. They spread it on their bread, eat it with meat, etc. Then we arrived at Monschau. It had the typical cobblestone streets, fachwerk houses, cafes, and lovely shops. We enjoyed casually wandering through the streets, taking a break for delicious cake and coffee.

From there we headed to Aachen where we checked out the Lindt warehouse. Wow! This was a dangerous, but successful stop! We went to another warehouse that sells Printen, like a German gingerbread. Aachen is well known for this treat.

Nellie cooked another amazing typical German meal- sourbraten, roter Kohl and Kloesse, followed by an ice cream cake which was so beautifully decorated. We feel so spoiled!

It has been so nice to get to know the Pries family. We have had a wonderful time, lots of laughter, fun and great conversations. They have been so kind to us! The time has gone by so quickly and tomorrow we already need to say good bye.

Siegried, Nellie, Annicka und Lea Janna, vielen dank fuer alles! Es war so schoen euch kennenzulernen und wir haben eine wunderschoene Zeit gehabt! Wir wuenschen euch alles Beste!

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