Friday 5 October 2012

Through the Wardrobe Door

Entering Austria from Italy, we felt like we were in a C. S. Lewis book, where we had entered a completely different world. In our case both are magical, while completely contrasting!

                 Mediterranean Countries                                                  Austria
                         Hot sea air                                                        Cool and crisp air
                Palm trees, dry land, sea views                   Green grass, mountains, meadows
            Expressive, dramatic, friendly people                Orderly, proper, friendly people
                      General timelines, chaos                               Punctuality, organization
                Crazy traffic, narrow streets                     Organized transportation, wider spaces
                   Thousands of years old                                    Hundreds of years old
                             Ruins                                                                     Castles
                      Interesting history                                               Interesting history
                  Beautiful and fascinating                                  Beautiful and fascinating

This evening we enjoyed a classical concert by the chamber orchestra of Vienna, featuring two soloists and two ballet dancers. The principal violist was playing a 1726 stratavarious. The concert was held in a castle where Mozart once lived. Comments from our friends included: I closed my eyes and felt like I was floating, it felt like I was dreaming, so relaxing, I feel so refreshed, I could picture couples waltzing in the ballroom to this music, I didn't even fall asleep, wonderful!

The concert itself was fantastic, and the location was the cherry on top. Afterwards, Cornie bought the c.d., so you know hews impressed as well!


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