Friday 19 October 2012


cafes, shops, buskers 
flower shops, chestnut stands, fruit stands
people watching on a warm, sunny day in October
At 12:00 the glockenspiel starts
we listen and watch as we sip our coffee at a nearby cafe
Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial
Our mood becomes very somber
It is horrific and incomprehensible
An eye opening experience
How is it possible that people could treat other human beings that way
Never Again.
Back in Marienplatz I settle Cornie into a cozy cafe for a "Bier und Breze"
It's time to explore Hugendubel-the World of Books
I admire the Advent calendars and children's books
Theology, novels, and so many recipe books...
Five floors and so little time
How slowly will he drink?
A small purchase and we're off to dinner
We say good bye to Munich
The familiar subway route leads us back to Hotel Orly
An enjoyable city

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